These are the questions compiled together from all the previous years' question papers of Software Project Management. So first try to prepare these topics and then go for the whole book. :-)
- What are different Organizational Structure? Diagram.
- Project Implementation and explain its different approaches.
- Role of Project Manager in an IT project. What skill sets are required?
- Outsourcing? Different reasons for outsourcing?
- System's view of project? Explain three sphere models for system's management.
- Processes involved in Project Procurement Management? Explain its components.
- Different steps in Project Risk Management? Explain.
- 5 Practices of exemplary Leadership? Explain Leadership styles and approaches.
- Project Communication Plan? What are different things addressed in it?
- Implementation of Performance Reporting? Different ways of it?
- What are different types of Contracts? Explain.
- Project Management Framework? Diagram?
- Importance of Ethics in Project?
- Administrative Closure?
- Stakeholders Management.
- Project Life Cycle? Diagram
- Change Process
- Concept of Make-or-buy decision process using Decision Tree? Advantage and Disadvantage.
- Gantt Chart, CPM, PERT, Critical Chain Scheduling. Explain with examples.
- 4 Frames of Organization? Importance of Project Communication Management?
- "Network Diagram helps in Project Scheduling and Resource Allocation." How?
- Project Metric? E.g of any 1 Project Metrics to measure cost and schedule.
- "Project can be an Organization Failure even if it is a technical success" Why? What steps can be taken to prevent this?
- Different approaches to do Risk Analysis & Assessment? Compare & Contrast!
- Steps taken for Project Closure?
- Emotional Intelligence.
- Polarity Mapping
- Cost Mgt, Profits, life-cycle costs, tangible/intangible cost & benefits, Direct & Indirect costs reverses & so on...
- Information Distribution.
- Risk Management Process? RMMM plan?
- How change management affects a system?
- Difference between Monitoring and Controlling.
- Payback period, Earned value analysis, Project Estimation, Matrix Organization. Explain.
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Recently, I came across PMIS. PMIS is the IT system used throughout the project which includes the configuration management system. So, the configuration management system is a subsystem of the overall project management information system and it provides a standardized, effective, and efficient way to centrally manage approved changes and baselines within the project.
I use asana for my tasks managemnt and found it very efficient.
Thanks for sharing this wonderful blog with us. I like your blog very much.
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