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Database Management System's Question Papers!!!

DBMS -->>

    These are the questions compiled together from all the previous years' question papers of Database Management System. So first try to prepare these topics and then go for the whole book. :-)

The compulsory questions are to prepare an ERD on a system given in the q. paper, normalizing the table, write SQL codes according to the given Schema and conditions. 

  1. BCNF? Its difference with 3NF.
  2. Query Optimization and Query Processing.
  3. Hash based indexing? Discuss use of Hash function in identifying a bucket to search.
  4. Locking protocol? 2-phase locking protocol, strict 2-phase locking protocol and rigorous 2-phase locking protocol.
  5. Deadlock? wait-die & wound-wait protocols for deadlock prevention? Compare Deadlock detection & Prevention technique.
  6. Check pointing? 3 steps in crash recovery in Aries.
  7. Lossless join decomposition & Dependency preserving decomposition.
  8. Serializability? 2-schedule conflict equivalent? Conflict serializable schedule.
  9. ACID properties, Triggers, DBA and responsibilities, Dynamic Hashing, Shadow Paging, Strong entity.
  10. Differences: Clustered vs Unclustered index, B tree vs B+ tree, tree-structured indexing and Hash based indexing, Physical vs logical data independence, triggers vs stored procedure, ER model vs Relational model, Dense index and Sparse index, FD vs MVD, Aggregation vs Association.
  11. Bell-LaPadula model.
  12. Normalization? 2 required conditions for Normalization through decomposition of data.
  13. Functional dependency? How is it used to remove the redundancy in database? Explain Closure and minimal set of Functional dependency.
  14. Indexing technique speeds up query processing. Justify? And explain how does multilevel indexing improve the efficiency of searching an index file. Explain.
  15. Various steps of processing a high-level query.
  16. Data model? Network model- its advantages and disadvantages.
  17. Aggregation, 2PL, Views, Weak entity.
  18. Architecture of Database system. How different it is from conventional file system?
  19. What is an index on file of records? Search key for index? Why we need indexes?
  20. Recoverable schedule? Recoverability of schedule desirable?
  21. Relational Data model? Data independence? How DBMS supports it?
  22. why are Locks in DBMS used? write-ahead logging? why used?
  23. Transaction? State diagram, draw and explain.
  24. Candidate key, Closure of set of FD, RAID.
NOTE: If anyone feels that the notes he/she has is in a very easy language on any topic, you can send it to It will be published on the site with your name. 


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