These are the questions compiled together from all the previous years' question papers of Network Security. So first try to prepare these topics and then go for the whole book. :-)
- Network Security? Principles? Different types of attack on it?
- How Key Distribution work with multiple KDC domains? How KDC differs from CA?
- Digital Signature? Issued how and by whom?
- How is asymmetric key algorithm RSA used to get Digital Signature?
- Firewall? Different configuration in which Firewall can be set up? Different types of Firewall?
- Digital Certificate? In what circumstances could it be revoked?
- Explain Process of Revocation of Certificate?
- PKIX or PKCS Infrastructure?
- Mutual Authentication? Is it required? Why? Pitfalls?
- Explain possible attack on Mutual Authentication i.e. Reflection Attack. Methods taken to foil such an attack?
- Explain Security Mechanism used in Electronic Transaction?
- Kerberos? Difference between K4 and K5?
- Authentication? How can it be achieved with help of tokens?
- Explain Symmetric Encryption Algorithm- DES. Broad-level steps and DES Round? What are weak and semi-weak keys used in DES?
- Security Policy? Explain different Security Policies?
- Hash? Discuss SHA1 and compare with MD5, MD4 and SHA.
- Steganography
- Biometric Authentication.
- Smart cards
- Man in the middle attack
- Discuss SET process.
- Key principles of Security? Difference: Active and Passive attacks.
- Different modes of algorithm? Explain.
- E-mail Security
- Vernam Cipher
- Certificate Revocation/Broad level difference between CRL, OCSP and SCVP.
- Different methods used for Authentication. Explain 1.
- Methods used for encrypting large messages? Explain 1.
- How MD2 Checksum is computed? What is maximum and minimum padding required?
- Deffie-Hellman Crypto system? Example.
- IP Security.
- Advantages/Disadvantages of Symmetric & Asymmetric algorithm? Discuss how advantages of both techniques can be combined to ensure secure key exchange?
- Discuss security provided at IP layer in TCP/IP protocol suite.
- Different types of attacks a communication system is vulnerable to.
- Security policy, Virus, Packet Sniffing.
- Difference: SSL and SET.
- Intrusion
- Difference: renewable and Postdated Tickets
- Smart Cards
- How tokens can be used to authenticate an entity?
- NOTE: Solve all the RSA numericals as that's the only numerical that comes in QP.
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