CG -->>
These are ONLY the THEORY QUESTIONS compiled together from all the previous years' question papers of Computer Graphics. You can find all the numericals that has come in examinations in Prof. Vaidya's notes or MissionMCA's site.
- Discuss any two algorithms for hidden surface removal.
- Compare and contrast B-spline and Bezier curves, floodfill and boundary fill algorithms, parallel and perspective projection.
- Explain various steps required to be performed to design an animation sequence.
- What are projections? How are they useful? Explain different types of projections with
- Deduce the Mid-point Ellipse Algorithm
- Explain different methods of character generation.
- Explain the cohen-Sutherland algorithm for Line Clipping. Give suitable
- Explain the construction and working of CRT's and DVST's.
- Discuss various Colour models used in graphics system.
- Develop a 2D rotation matrix with respect to a arbitrary point.
- Short notes:- Frame buffer, Even-odd method, text clipping, viewing pipeline, homogeneous coordinates, Kinematics and Dynamics, morphing, Phong shading, character generation.
- Devise generalized Bresenham's line drawing algorithm.
- Explain window to view port mapping.
- Explain Midpoint Subdivision algorithm. Adv/Disadv. Prove that it works successfully with lines that are partially inside and partially outside the viewing window.
- Derive 2D rotation and scaling transformations matrices with respect to fixed point(Xp, Yp)
- How does a raster scan system work? How is it different from Random scan system?
- What are display files? explain with, how are polygons and characters represented in Display file.
- Deduce the midpoint circle algorithm.
- What are Homogeneous co-ordinates? Explain its significance with
- Explain Polygon and its representation in display file. Also write the algorithm for entering the polygon into display file.
- Difference: Vector scan systems and raster-scan systems.
- Properties of curve.
- What is 2D viewing transformations. Derive the window to viewport transformation equation.
- Explain Liang-bersky Line clipping algorithm.
- Explain the relevance of normalized device coordinates.
- Explain the concept of Display file. How are they useful in storing the image definitions?
- Discuss the process of rotating an object about an arbitrary axis.
- Discuss any 2 methods for visible surface detection.
- Devise a procedure to rotate a rectangle by n degree in clockwise direction and reduce it to 2/3rd of its size by keeping the midpoint fixed.
- Short notes on: Ray tracing, Shear transformation, Random scan system, diffuse illumination, HSV colour model.
NOTE: If anyone feels that the notes he/she has is in a very easy language on any topic, you can send it to It will be published on the site with your name. And the solved numerical problems will also be uploaded on the site lately.
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