Role of Project Manager in an IT project. What skill sets are required?
Role of Project Manager:-
- Must play managerial role that focuses on planning, organizing and controlling.
- Responsible for developing project plan, organizing project resources and then overseeing execution of plan
- perform administrative functions:- performance reviews, project tracking and reporting, and other general day to day responsibilities.
- must know when to stay the course, when to adapt, change the project plan.
- Nurture relationships among various stakeholders.
- must have leadership quality:- while managerial role focuses on planning, organizing and controlling, leadership centers on getting people motivated.
Some attributes/skill sets are:-
- The ability to communicate with people.
- The ability to deal with people:-
Soft skills
good listener
sense of humour
- The ability to create and sustain relationships:-
Act as peacemaker and negotiator
Good salesperson
- The ability to organize:-
develop project plan
acquire resources
create an effective project environment
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