5 Practices of exemplary Leadership? Explain Leadership styles and approaches.
- Different from Management, but not for the reasons most people think.
- It isn't mystical and mysterious.
- Nothing to do with having "charisma" or other exotic personality traits.
- It isn't the province of a chosen few.
- Nor is leadership necessarily better than management or a replacement for it.
5 Practices of Exemplary Leadership:- (MICEE)
1. Model The Way
2. Inspire a Shared Vision
3. Challenge the Process
4. Enable Others to Act
5. Encourage the Heart
1. Model the Way
Leader's behavior wins respect, not his/her title position within organization. Say less but let employees see your behavior and daily action. People follow the person first, not the plan.
2. Inspire a Shared Vision
Leader should have vision, dream that should inspire people so they become committed to a purpose. Should ignite the passion in others.
3. Challenge the Process
- Don't reply on fate or luck.
- venture out and accept challenges
- challenges status quo to innovate, grow, improve
- Leaders are also early adopters of innovation but it needs risk which people should also take and should learn from their failures.
4. Enable Others to Act
5. Encourage the Heart
Leadership Styles:- (CAADPC)
1. The Coercive Style
2. The Authoritative Style
3. The Affiliative Style
4. The Democratic Style
5. The Pacesetting Style
6. The Coaching Style
1. The Coercive Style (Do as I say)
- Effective in crisis to kick start a turnaround situation, when dealing with problem of employee, or for achieving immediate compliance.
- Extreme down-to-approach can flop it because people will soon lose their initiative, motivation, commitment, and sense of ownership because it makes people resentful and disillusioned.
2. The Authoritative Style (Come with me)
- empowers people to choose their own means for achieving it.
- provides vision and enthusiasm
- motivates people by saying their work has bigger role.
- Everyone feels their work has meaning and purpose.
- Fails when leader is inexperienced but work with experts.
- Leader can undermine an effective team if he appear pompous, out of touch, or overbearing.
3. The Affiliative Style (People come first)
- centers on value of individual rather than goals and tasks and attempts to keep people happy by creating harmony among them.
- Leader attempts to build strong emotional bond that translate into strong loyalty.
- Leader does not impose unnecessary rules and structures.
- Best when situation needs building team harmony, morale, trust or communication.
- Not effective when people need some structure to go through a complex tasks. They then are left directionless and feeling rudderless.
- Overcaring/Overnurturing, praises creates perception that mediocrity is tolerated.
4. The Democratic Style (What do you think?)
- Leader spends time with people's ideas, while building trust, respect and commitment.
- morale tends to be high, people's flexibility and responsibility we increased, more realistic idea of what can/not be done.
- Best while buy-in decisions, consensus or to gain input from others.
- Can lead to endless meetings in vain attempts to gain group consensus which causes conflicts, confusion and perception that group is leaderless.
- inappropriate when team does not have competence or experience to offer sound advise.
5. The Pacesetting Style (do as I do, now)
- Leader obsessed with doing things better and faster for him or herself and everyone else.
- Poor performers quickly identified and replaced if standards aren't met.
- Leader sets example for high performance, morale can deteriorate if people feel overwhelmed by the pacesetter's demands for excellence and performance.
- goals poorly communicated.
- People lose their direction or sense of their work is part of larger picture.
- If leader leaves, people will feel adrift since pacesetting leader sets all directions.
- Useful when quick results required from highly motivated, self-directed and competent team.
6. Coaching Style (Try this)
- Helps people identify their unique strengths and weaknesses so that they can reach their personal and career goals.
- Encourages people to set long term professional goal and then help them develop a plan for achieving them
- minor failures acceptable and viewed as positive learning experiences
- least used
- Ineffective if people not ready to change or when leader does not have the knowledge, capability, or desire to be a coach.
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