Data Structure -->>
These are the questions compiled together from all the previous years' question papers of DATA STRUCTURE. So first try to prepare these topics and then go for the whole book. :-)
NOTE: The number in bracket denotes the number of times the question has been asked in previous exams.
1. Implement heap sort of given numbers. [Numbers will be given]
2. Explain binary tree as a Data Structure.
3. Write algorithms for:-
a. Inserting an element in the binary tree
b. Searching a given element in the binary search tree. (4)
4. Define a circular queue. Explain how a circular queue can be implemented using arrays. Write algorithms to enqueue and dequeue an element to and from a circular queue. (4)
5. Hashing? Use digit extraction method and linear probing store the given keys in an array with 19 elements. How many collisions occur? What is the density of the list after the keys are inserted? [Set of numbers would be given].
6. Write an algorithm to sort elements using Quick Sort.
7. What is a graph? Explain various methods of storing a graph. Write algorithms to add a vertex and delete an edge.
8. What is a height balanced tree? Write an algorithm to Rotate AVL tree right and illustrate with a help of an example.
9. Define a B-tree. Build a B-tree of order 3 created by inserting the data in sequence. [Numbers would be given]. (4)
10. What is analysis of algorithm? Discuss the concept of best, average and worst case of an algorithm? (2)
11. Define an expression tree. The following infix expression is given. Draw the expression tree and find the prefix and post fix expression. (A+B*(C/D)-E)*(F/(G+H-J)
12. Define a minimum spanning tree. Write an Kruskal’s algorithm to generate a minimum spanning tree of a given graph. Also write Prim’s algorithm. (4)
13. Explain the preorder, postorder and inorder traversal of a tree with their algorithms. (3)
14. What is a double linked list? For a doubly linked list, write algorithms to: (2)
a. Append two lists together.
b. Delete an element from the list.
15. Explain the interpolation search algorithm.
16. Differentiate between:
a. Singly linked list and Doubly linked list (2)
b. Tree and Graph
17. Algorithm to sort elements using Bubble sort.
18. Reheapup operation for a heap. Create max heap for given numbers.
19. Write algorithm for searching the element in doubly linked list and print the list elements in reverse order.
20. Define clustering in hash list. Using mid-square method and key offset, store the keys shown below in array of size 13. 55, 65, 20, 12, 66, 26, 90.
21. Define Binary tree traversal. Explain breadth-first traversal of a graph with example. (2)
22. Define collision. Explain collision resolution methods with e.g. (2)
23. Define M-way tree.
24. Define graph. Distinguish between undirected and directed graphs. How adjacency list stores graph information into it?
25. Write the algorithm to insertion sort.
26. Define and explain the Stack Data structure. Give algorithm for PUSH, POP, stack, StackFull and StackEmpty. (2)
27. For a singly linked list, write algorithms to:-
a. Delete an element
b. Append one list to the other
c. Count the number of nodes in the list
28. Give algorithm for depth-first traversal of the graph. (2)
29. AVL tree? Explain with e.g. to rotate an AVL tree left and write the algorithm. (2)
30. Find Huffman code from the “given data”. (2)
31. What is heap? Write algorithm for:- (2)
a. Building a heap.
b. Deleting a heap.
32. Big-O notation
33. Circular Linked List
34. Midsquare hashing method. Solve the given example.
35. General tree? Write steps to convert general tree to a binary tree.
36. Algorithm for Shell sort.
37. Djikstra’s algorithm to determine the shortest path in a graph.
1. Implement heap sort of given numbers. [Numbers will be given]
2. Explain binary tree as a Data Structure.
3. Write algorithms for:-
a. Inserting an element in the binary tree
b. Searching a given element in the binary search tree. (4)
4. Define a circular queue. Explain how a circular queue can be implemented using arrays. Write algorithms to enqueue and dequeue an element to and from a circular queue. (4)
5. Hashing? Use digit extraction method and linear probing store the given keys in an array with 19 elements. How many collisions occur? What is the density of the list after the keys are inserted? [Set of numbers would be given].
6. Write an algorithm to sort elements using Quick Sort.
7. What is a graph? Explain various methods of storing a graph. Write algorithms to add a vertex and delete an edge.
8. What is a height balanced tree? Write an algorithm to Rotate AVL tree right and illustrate with a help of an example.
9. Define a B-tree. Build a B-tree of order 3 created by inserting the data in sequence. [Numbers would be given]. (4)
10. What is analysis of algorithm? Discuss the concept of best, average and worst case of an algorithm? (2)
11. Define an expression tree. The following infix expression is given. Draw the expression tree and find the prefix and post fix expression. (A+B*(C/D)-E)*(F/(G+H-J)
12. Define a minimum spanning tree. Write an Kruskal’s algorithm to generate a minimum spanning tree of a given graph. Also write Prim’s algorithm. (4)
13. Explain the preorder, postorder and inorder traversal of a tree with their algorithms. (3)
14. What is a double linked list? For a doubly linked list, write algorithms to: (2)
a. Append two lists together.
b. Delete an element from the list.
15. Explain the interpolation search algorithm.
16. Differentiate between:
a. Singly linked list and Doubly linked list (2)
b. Tree and Graph
17. Algorithm to sort elements using Bubble sort.
18. Reheapup operation for a heap. Create max heap for given numbers.
19. Write algorithm for searching the element in doubly linked list and print the list elements in reverse order.
20. Define clustering in hash list. Using mid-square method and key offset, store the keys shown below in array of size 13. 55, 65, 20, 12, 66, 26, 90.
21. Define Binary tree traversal. Explain breadth-first traversal of a graph with example. (2)
22. Define collision. Explain collision resolution methods with e.g. (2)
23. Define M-way tree.
24. Define graph. Distinguish between undirected and directed graphs. How adjacency list stores graph information into it?
25. Write the algorithm to insertion sort.
26. Define and explain the Stack Data structure. Give algorithm for PUSH, POP, stack, StackFull and StackEmpty. (2)
27. For a singly linked list, write algorithms to:-
a. Delete an element
b. Append one list to the other
c. Count the number of nodes in the list
28. Give algorithm for depth-first traversal of the graph. (2)
29. AVL tree? Explain with e.g. to rotate an AVL tree left and write the algorithm. (2)
30. Find Huffman code from the “given data”. (2)
31. What is heap? Write algorithm for:- (2)
a. Building a heap.
b. Deleting a heap.
32. Big-O notation
33. Circular Linked List
34. Midsquare hashing method. Solve the given example.
35. General tree? Write steps to convert general tree to a binary tree.
36. Algorithm for Shell sort.
37. Djikstra’s algorithm to determine the shortest path in a graph.
NOTE: If anyone feels that the notes he/she has is in a very easy language on any topic, you can send it to It will be published on the site with your name.
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