Computer Networks -->>
These are the questions compiled together from all the previous years' question papers of COMPUTER NETWORKS. So first try to prepare these topics and then go for the whole book. :-)
NOTE: The number in bracket denotes the number of times the question has been asked in previous exams.
1. Explain any 2 IEEE 802 standards with the format of the frames. (4)
2. What is a window? Explain the concept of sliding window. Explain in short the two methods used in sliding window protocol along with the window sizes required at the sender and the receivers side and why? (4)
3. Unguided transmission medium (3)
4. Congestion. Various methods of preventing and reducing the in congestion in the network. (3)
5. Network security? Symmetric and Asymmetric methods to make the data secure and explain the RSA algorithm in detail.
6. Explain SMTP, FTP, E-mail.
7. Satellite. Various categories of Satellite. (2)
8. Services provided by the network layer? Bellman Ford Routing Algorithm.
9. Protocols that are used for resolving the addresses at the network layer.
10. Concept of layered communication model. Explain OSI reference model and compare it with the TCP/IP. (3)
11. Signaling? What layer does the job of signaling and how? Explain 4 methods to convert digital data to digital signal.
12. Multiplexing
13. Switching
14. Multicasting
15. IPv6
16. Four way handshake in TCP. (2)
17. Optimality principle. Link State Routing Algorithm. (3)
18. Difference between CSMA, CSMA/CD and collision free protocol. (2)
19. Three way handshake for TCP connection establishment. (2)
20. With respect to IP address, explain class of IP address, subnet masking in details.
21. HDLC frame format in details.
22. Fragmentation. Why is it needed? How is it done? (2)
23. ARP
24. MIME (2)
25. Hamming code
26. Multiplexing
27. Tunneling (2)
28. Define orbit, period. (3)
29. IPv6 header in details
30. DHCP
31. FTP (2)
32. UDP header
33. Modulation (2)
34. PCM (2)
35. Subnetting/supernetting
36. Circuit switching/packet switching
37. Compare Symmetric Key Cryptography and Asymmetric Key Cryptography.
38. DES algorithm
39. TPC/IP connection termination process in detail.
40. Explain persistence, non persistence, persistence CSMA protocol in details.
41. Piggy banking. Advantages/Disadvantages.
2. What is a window? Explain the concept of sliding window. Explain in short the two methods used in sliding window protocol along with the window sizes required at the sender and the receivers side and why? (4)
3. Unguided transmission medium (3)
4. Congestion. Various methods of preventing and reducing the in congestion in the network. (3)
5. Network security? Symmetric and Asymmetric methods to make the data secure and explain the RSA algorithm in detail.
6. Explain SMTP, FTP, E-mail.
7. Satellite. Various categories of Satellite. (2)
8. Services provided by the network layer? Bellman Ford Routing Algorithm.
9. Protocols that are used for resolving the addresses at the network layer.
10. Concept of layered communication model. Explain OSI reference model and compare it with the TCP/IP. (3)
11. Signaling? What layer does the job of signaling and how? Explain 4 methods to convert digital data to digital signal.
12. Multiplexing
13. Switching
14. Multicasting
15. IPv6
16. Four way handshake in TCP. (2)
17. Optimality principle. Link State Routing Algorithm. (3)
18. Difference between CSMA, CSMA/CD and collision free protocol. (2)
19. Three way handshake for TCP connection establishment. (2)
20. With respect to IP address, explain class of IP address, subnet masking in details.
21. HDLC frame format in details.
22. Fragmentation. Why is it needed? How is it done? (2)
23. ARP
24. MIME (2)
25. Hamming code
26. Multiplexing
27. Tunneling (2)
28. Define orbit, period. (3)
29. IPv6 header in details
30. DHCP
31. FTP (2)
32. UDP header
33. Modulation (2)
34. PCM (2)
35. Subnetting/supernetting
36. Circuit switching/packet switching
37. Compare Symmetric Key Cryptography and Asymmetric Key Cryptography.
38. DES algorithm
39. TPC/IP connection termination process in detail.
40. Explain persistence, non persistence, persistence CSMA protocol in details.
41. Piggy banking. Advantages/Disadvantages.
NOTE: If anyone feels that the notes he/she has is in a very easy language on any topic, you can send it to It will be published on the site with your name.