Core Java:-
NOTE: The number in bracket denotes the number of times the question has been asked in previous exams.
- Difference:
Static (3), class and Local variables
C, C++ and Java
Statement and Prepared statement
Interfaces and Abstract classes
Application and Applet
Checked Exception and Unchecked Exception
Byte Stream and Character Stream?
InputStream and Reader classes
OutputStream and Writer classes
Java application and Applet (2)
AWT and Swing components (2)
- Explain: Class exception and Exception Hierarchy
- Explain: Resultset types and Resultset constant (2)
- 5 Layouts in Layout Manager for Java AWT. Show layouts displayed by each of them (3)
- JDK? Use of JDK? Explain its various tools. Explain execution flow of Java program. (3)
- Applets? Different stages of an Applet Life Cycle? (4) How to pass parameters embedded in HTML with e.g?
- Byte streams and Unicode Character Stream
- Object Serialization and Deserialization (2)
- Data types in Java (2)
- JDBC drivers. (2)
- This and Super (4)
- Java and C++
- Abstract classes (2)
- Inner classes (3)
- Wrapper classes (4)
- Input output stream classes
- Boxing and Unboxing in Java
- Establishing database connectivity using Java
- Explain OOPS concepts used in Java (2)
- Methods
- Bytecode
- Role of Classes, Interfaces and Packages in Java (4)
- Concept and difference of Method overloading and constructor overloading? Program. (3)
- Use of synchronization in Java? E.g?
- Thread? Multithreading? Thread life cycle? WAP to e.g. (6)
- Thread group? Thread priority e.g.
- Thread synchronization? Program.
- Describe Java program steps in order to get connectivity to database along with example.
- How Java achieves multiple inheritance?
- Package? Create a package to hold two classes.
- Event Handling mechanism?
- Exception? Exception Handling in Java? Program to demonstrate arithmetic, numberformat and arrayindexout of bounds exception.
- Exception handling program to demonstrate any 2 Java’s unchecked runtime exception subclasses.
- Explain steps to create your own exception with a suitable e.g. (2)
- What is Swing? Explain 5 swing components? Explain with program swing and also create GUI in the same. (2)
- Explain with program AWT and also create GUI in the same with any of its 5 controls.
- What is JDBC?Why is JDBC-ODBC bridge used for database connectivity? Explain classes and interfaces involved in it. (2)
- Explain different ways in which driver can be loaded in a JDBC application with e.g of each method.
- Access Specifier? Different types supported in Java.
- Java is Platform independent and Machine independent. Justify. (1)
- Constructor? Parameterized constructor and Constructor Overloading.
- Event delegation model in Java. Program.
- Dynamic method Dispatch. Program.
- Explain 5 built-in packages of Java. Write steps to create a package.
- Write Applet program to handle mouse events. (3)
- Role of Driver Manager class with suitable java program.
- Program to demonstrate use of final keyword.
NOTE: If anyone feels that the notes he/she has is in a very easy language on any topic, you can send it to It will be published on the site with your name.
3 comments: (+add yours?)
Thanks abhilash. this question are very usefull.
thanks buddy. adjava ka mila tho update karna as soon as possible
There is no link to download sem 4 subjects
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