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OOPS- C++' Question Papers (Only Theory)!!!


C++ -->>

These are the questions compiled together from all the previous years' question papers of C++. So first try to prepare these topics and then go for the whole book. :-)

Features of OOPS.
Exception handling in C++. Example.
Friend Function? merits and demerits. 
Difference between:-
  1. Function Prototyping and Function overloading, 
  2. Class and Object, 
  3. Container class and Derived class, 
  4. Associative and Sequence containers, 
  5. union and structure, 
  6. Actual parameter and formal parameter,
  7. Call by value and call by reference, 
  8. do-while loop and for-loop
Dynamic Memory Allocation
Polymorphism achieved at compile time and run time?
Inheritance? Public, private and protected inheritance?
Operator overloading?
File handling mechanism of C++.
Constructor? Defaulter constructor, parameterized constructor, constructor overloading with suitable example.
Manipulators? Different manipulators with examples?
Data types and control structures in C++
Preprocessor directives? Difference between macros and functions?
Pointer? how is pointer variable declares? 
Storage classes? various storage classes?
Differentiate between the following:- type casting, relational operators, binary file and test file, function pointers
What is the difference between multiple and multilevel inheritance? What type of ambiguity occurs in multiple inheritance and how is it resolved?
Use of template function? 
Explain the concept of pass by reference and return by reference.
When is a copy constructor invoked?
What are "C"-type strings? How are they different from strings defined by standard C++ string class?
Virtual function? How is a pure virtual function different from virtual function?
How is operator overloading performed using:- member functions and friend functions
Inline function? what is its use? In what situations inline functions are not recommended?
Write Short Notes On:-
  1.  Standard Template Library
  2. Function Template
  3. New and Delete operators
  4. File Pointer
  5. Inheritance
  6. Static and Dynamic cases
  7. Scope resolution operator
  8. Void pointers
  9. Command Line Arguments
  10. Container classes in STL
  11. Control structures in C++


Software Engineering' Question Papers (Only Theory)!!!


SE -->>

These are the questions compiled together from all the previous years' question papers of Software Engineering. So first try to prepare these topics and then go for the whole book. :-)

  1. Define decomposition technique and explain why it is necessary in cost and effort estimation. Explain any two types of decomposition technique.
  2. Define software design. Explain the features of good software design. 
  3. Explain the relationship of cohesion and coupling with functional dependence. 
  4. Define SRS. Explain features of good SRS. List the users of SRS and their purposes. Why SRS known as black box specification of a system?
  5. Explain the role of software quality assurance group. Also explain formal technical reviews.
  6. Software reliability. Explain different reliability metrics. Explain any one reliablity growth model. How do you measure it in terms of MTBF, MTTF, MTTR.
  7. Define Structure Chart. Compare transform and transaction analysis.
  8. Explain Cocomo model with reference of object points. Also explain how make/buy decision leads to cost effective software development.
  9. Distinguish between- Blackbox testing and white box testing, ISO 9000 certification and SEI CMM model
  10. Classify software risks. Explain how risk projection activity performs risk estimation.
  11. Software maintenance?  Various categories of software maintenance. Which category consumes maximum efforts and why?
  12. Define Metrics. Explain the relationships among measures, metrics and indicators. Compare size-oriented metric with function-oriented metric.
  13. Define software configuration items. Explain how they are used in SCM process. 
  14. Various stages of COCOMO II model. Explain categories of projects for which COCOMO II is applicable.
  15. Various key process areas of CMM at various maturity level.
  16. Discuss relationship between quality factor and quality criteria in Mc Call's software quality model.
  17. Discuss any 2 white box testing techniques with suitable e.g. along with the control flow graphs. 
  18. Enumerate Boehm's top ten software risks. What is meant by RMMM plan? Develop a RMMM plan for any IT risk and explain its contents. 
  19. Explain the Putman resource allocation model. What are the limitations of the model?
  20. Structured analysis? Briefly review the tools.
  21. Purpose behind normalization? 
  22. What considerations are involved in feasibility analysis? Which is most crucial? Why?
  23. Fact finding techniques.
  24. Requirements of good system analyst?
  25. 6 Special system tests?
  26. What categories of stakeholders should you include in fact finding?
  27. Structured walkthrough? How they are carried out?
  28. Components of CASE tools, indicating the function performed by each.
  29. Deliverables? What is design book and what is its purpose?
  30. What cost elements are considered in cost benefit analysis? What do you think is the most difficult to estimate? Why?
  31. Agile Modeling? How is it related with Extreme Programming?
  32. McCall's quality factors? FURPS quality factors?
  33. Short Notes- 

System Testing
Work Breakdown Structure
Reverse Engineering
RAD Model 
HIPO Charts
SEI capability Maturity Model(CMM)
Activities of implementation.
Waterfall model
Spiral model
Structure Chart
Warnier Orr Diagram
Data Dictionary
Task Set Selector(TSS)

 Last Minute Study!!!