Distributed Computing -->>
NOTE: The number in bracket denotes the number of times the question has been asked in previous exams.
- Asynchronous Transfer Mode technology
- Replication Transparency
- Thrashing (3)
- Callback RPC (2)
- Difference: Monolithic kernel and Microkernel approaches for designing a Distributed OS.
- Difference: Load balancing and Load sharing approaches for process scheduling in DS. (2)
- Various address space transfer mechanisms for a process migration facility.
- Client-server binding? Role of binding agent in locating server? (2)
- Difference: PRAM consistency model and Processor consistency model.
- Difference: Replication and Caching
- Immutable file? How basic file operations create, read, write and delete can be performed in file system for shared files.
- 3 Different process addressing mechanism. Adv. And Disadv.
- Difference: Stateful and Stateless servers. Why some Distributed applications use stateless servers even when stateful in easy?
- Adv. And Disadv. Of various data locating mechanism that may be used in Distributed shared memory system that uses the NRMB strategy. (2)
- Distributed Computing environment (2)
- Mach Distributed System
- Name Space
- Election algorithms (3) Bully algorithm
- Distributed Operating System
- Happened Before
- Difference: Bridge, Router, Gateway
- Difference: Strong consistency model and Causal consistency model
- Stub? How generated? How helpful in making an RPC mechanism transparent?
- Logical clock? Importance in DS?
- Preemptive process migration. Different address space transfer mechanisms used in the process transfer?
- Why do most RPC systems support call by value semantics for parameter passing?
- Threads? (2) How different from processes?
- Adv. And Disadv. Of using Full-file cacking and Block caching models for the data caching mechanism of a distributed file system.
- Munin distributed shared memory system
- Mach distributed system
- Group communication in message passing
- Lightweight RPCs
- Issues in designing Distributed operating systems.
- Failure handling in message passing
- Desirable features of a good message passing system
- DCE directory service
- Adv. Of DSM
- Implementation of RPC mechanism. Diagram.
- Different consistency models? How sequential consistency model implemented in DSM?
- Desirable features of a good process migration mechanism?
- NFS?
- Clock synchronization algorithms used in DS. Discuss 1.
- Chorus
- VMTP protocol
- Lightweight RPC
- Marshalling
- Processor Pool Model
- Multidatagram messages
- Sequential consistency
- System-oriented Names
- Total freezing in address space transfer mechanism for a process migration facility with diagram?
- Memory consistency in Distributed Shared memory model?
- FLIP protocol
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