C++ -->>
These are the questions compiled together from all the previous years' question papers of C++. So first try to prepare these topics and then go for the whole book. :-)
• Features of OOPS.
• Exception handling in C++. Example.
• Friend Function? merits and demerits.
• Difference between:-
- Function Prototyping and Function overloading,
- Class and Object,
- Container class and Derived class,
- Associative and Sequence containers,
- union and structure,
- Actual parameter and formal parameter,
- Call by value and call by reference,
- do-while loop and for-loop
• Dynamic Memory Allocation
• Polymorphism achieved at compile time and run time?
• Inheritance? Public, private and protected inheritance?
• Operator overloading?
• File handling mechanism of C++.
• Constructor? Defaulter constructor, parameterized constructor, constructor overloading with suitable example.
• Manipulators? Different manipulators with examples?
• Data types and control structures in C++
• Preprocessor directives? Difference between macros and functions?
• Pointer? how is pointer variable declares?
• Storage classes? various storage classes?
• Differentiate between the following:- type casting, relational operators, binary file and test file, function pointers
• What is the difference between multiple and multilevel inheritance? What type of ambiguity occurs in multiple inheritance and how is it resolved?
• Use of template function?
• Explain the concept of pass by reference and return by reference.
• When is a copy constructor invoked?
• What are "C"-type strings? How are they different from strings defined by standard C++ string class?
• Virtual function? How is a pure virtual function different from virtual function?
• How is operator overloading performed using:- member functions and friend functions
• Inline function? what is its use? In what situations inline functions are not recommended?
• Write Short Notes On:-
- Standard Template Library
- Function Template
- New and Delete operators
- File Pointer
- Inheritance
- Static and Dynamic cases
- Scope resolution operator
- Void pointers
- Command Line Arguments
- Container classes in STL
- Control structures in C++